Supervisor Ray Watson Gets It…he obviously loves animals

During a March 2009 Board Meeting wherein one of the topics was (drum roll) Kimi Peck’s illegal operation, Supervisor Watson could obviously see the reality of Ms. Peck’s illegal sanctuary and the way her animals were living. It was obvious that Ray Watson felt the same way many other people do about Kimi Peck…Here is what he said during this meeting:

Supervisor Watson: Well, first I think it’s it’s safe to many people want to take care of and rescue animals; however, I also believe that people have the right to enjoy their property in peace. And, I’m concerned about the issue of the Conditional Use Permit. Ah, to issue one is not solving the problems of the neighbors who cannot enjoy their properties. I think that if there is going to be a Conditional use permit it ought to be in a place where it is appropriate to have these animals. I think the facilities should be appropriate and by looking at all of the pictures that I have seen here, I think the conditions some of the animals are kept are inhumane. They may be, I’m not sure, how clean they are, or not, but the way these animals are being kept, I think is not something we ought to be licensing. I’m concerned about the motion in that we are talking about imposing fines and perhaps there is a source of revenue from a non-profit that allows these fines to be paid and allow the operation to continue as it is. I don’t think that should be allowed to happen. My question is, is there another remedy, an injunction of some kind that forces a change so that the neighbors can enjoy their properties? If Ms. Peck wants to continue doing what she is doing, she needs to do it in a place that is appropriate and under the right conditions, and I don’t think this is the right place or under the right conditions…

Is Kimi Peck an Exploiter Hoarder? Many who know Kimi Peck, believe she fits the description perfectly

Exploiter hoarders seek animals to serve personal needs. They are indifferent to the harm they cause the animals. They deny there is a problem, and they reject authority figures. They have a need for extreme control. Exploiter hoarders come across as articulate, charming people who are good at manipulating situations and people to get what they want. They tend to have sociopathic characteristics and/or personality disorders. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. They show no remorse for their actions.

Kern County Files Criminal Charges Against ‘Rescuer’ Kimi Peck

Seems like Ms. Peck can’t figure out how to stay out of trouble with the law when it comes to ‘rescuing’. Here’s just another example why we feel Kimi Peck should NOT be allowed to have animals.

PECK, KIMI MM067257A 12/07/2009, 09:00AM East Division – Mojave A MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT Criminal Calendar – Case Details criminal case information/calendar menu / search results / case details ——————————————————————————– Defendant Information: Name: PECK, KIMI Birth Year: 1949 ——————————————————————————– Case Information: Court Case #: MM067257A Filing Date: 12/02/09 Related Case #: None Arrest Date: N/A Bail Amount: N/A Bail Status: N/A Bail Type: N/A ——————————————————————————– Charges/Dispositions Count Type Code Section Charge Description Charge Disposition Disposition Date 001 M PC 597F PERMIT ANIMAL TO GO W/O CARE 002 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 003 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 004 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 005 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 006 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 007 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 008 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 009 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE 010 M CO 7.08.030(E) FAILURE TO FURNISH INFORMATION ON LICENSE