Animal Hoarder, Kimi Peck, featured on Animal Planet’s ‘Dangerously Devoted’ Documentary Cameras followed three ‘dangerously devoted’ self proclaimed animal lovers around, including the grand dame of animal hoarders, Kimi Peck, while they tried to convince the world they really love their animals and are doing the best they can for them; however, the reality is, these people, including Kimi Peck, are in complete denial of their situation and the fact that they are doing their animals more harm than good. See what others have to say:

Sep 1, 2010 @ 8:12 pm Post#136 Oh geez, this Kimi Peck on "Dangerously Devoted" is scary. Just from the first clip of her I’ve seen dogs with both kinds of mange, plus corneal ulcers. Is there a separate thread for that show? I did a search and didn’t see one. Sep 2, 2010 @ 9:20 am Post#145 I finally got up the energy to watch this show. After watching regular Hoarders, I became very tired and couldn’t do it anymore. I’m ready for this I think. I wonder how long I can last!? IRT Dangerously Devoted, Mrs. Former Screenplay Writer looked like the child of Kelly Bates (19 Kids) and Farrah’s mom from Teen Mom. I couldn’t stop staring at her! BengalKitty View Member Profile Find Member’s Posts Channel Surfer Sep 2, 2010 @ 7:58 pm Post#146 IRT Dangerously Devoted, Mrs. Former Screenplay Writer She was a piece of work wasn’t she? I thought she has to be mentally ill. Who were all those young people with her? The house she was losing looked to be rural. Were these volunteers? Family members? And just how did/does she plan to support her cross country pilgrimage to DisneyWorld and to see President Obama? It looked like those other young people were going along, too, in her "caravan." It was like a mini-cult. I fear we will see the snake man in the news when one of his snakes hurts his child. Hopefully his snakes are away from the house and not in the basement. And in what world is an alligator a sleeping buddy? Maybe we will see him in the news, too. lovesnark View Member Profile Find Member’s Posts Couch Potato Sep 2, 2010 @ 8:40 pm Post#147 She was a piece of work wasn’t she? I thought she has to be mentally ill. Who were all those young people with her? The house she was losing looked to be rural. Were these volunteers? Family members? And just how did/does she plan to support her cross country pilgrimage to DisneyWorld and to see President Obama? It looked like those other young people were going along, too, in her "caravan." It was like a mini-cult. I fear we will see the snake man in the news when one of his snakes hurts his child. Hopefully his snakes are away from the house and not in the basement. And in what world is an alligator a sleeping buddy? Maybe we will see him in the news, too. She was certifiable. I thought the young blonde was her daughter? I want to know how she could afford a truck, trailer and fuel to take her ridiculous journey. And, I assume she was bankrolling the group that was going along for the cross country ride to crazytown. Her house was going to be auctioned because she wasn’t paying for it but she had $5000 a month to spend on dogs and had money to run away from the problems she created. I call bullshit on her story about having 36 dogs dumped on her doorstep, too. She was a classic, nutso hoarder who couldn’t take proper care of those poor dogs and blamed it all on a conspiracy. Nothing was her fault and all her problems were because people were out to get her. At the end of the show, it said snake guy had agreed to house the snakes in a different building. I hope so. The guy with the traveling menagerie was sort of sad. It’s obvious he has some mental problems but I thought it was sad that he wanted to reconnect with his kids so badly and only one son would have anything to do with him. Makes me wonder what else went on besides him deciding to spend his life living in a truck with a zoo. yourbabymomma View Member Profile Find Member’s Posts Video Archivist Sep 2, 2010 @ 8:43 pm Post#148 Bonnie looked just like Bunky Bartlett..He won the lotto a while back. He’s kind of a local celebrity. Sorry, this is the week of lookalikes for me. Quilt Fairy View Member Profile Find Member’s Posts Video Archivist Sep 2, 2010 @ 11:55 pm Post#149 but she had $5000 a month to spend on dogs And then she was going on about how she couldn’t pay her electric bill and they were going to shut her electricity off and when she got to the office her bill was $33.67. Seriously, WTF? Also, if she had several multi-millionaire husbands and didn’t take any alimony? She is seriously mentally ill. I don’t understand why they made this a different show. With the exception of the snake guy they could have been on the weekly show. lovesnark View Member Profile Find Member’s Posts Couch Potato Yesterday @ 12:31 am Post#150 And then she was going on about how she couldn’t pay her electric bill and they were going to shut her electricity off and when she got to the office her bill was $33.67. Seriously, WTF? Also, if she had several multi-millionaire husbands and didn’t take any alimony? She is seriously mentally ill. WTF? is right. You don’t have enough money to make your house payment, pay your property taxes or your electric bill but, you can scrape up 5 grand a month to take crappy care of a couple hundred dogs? Some of those poor dogs were in pretty bad shape and it would have been much kinder to euthanize them than keep them alive with no quality to their lives. When I hear these loons wailing that if they didn’t have all these poor animals they’d be killed, I want to throw things at the TV. Someone who truly loves animals understands that as heartbreaking as it is, euthanizing one that isn’t enjoying life anymore is the kind and loving thing to do. I have to have my daughter’s 30 year old mare put down before winter gets here and it breaks my heart. But, on the flip side, I love her enough to not force her arthritic old body to have to endure another winter. Sometimes, there just aren’t enough meds in the world to make life comfortable for animals in their old age. That’s when love and logic comes in and we do the right thing. The people on these shows don’t have the ability to make the distinction between living and just barely enduring every day. I’m doubting her claim of all those rich ex’s, too. People like her like to say all sorts of crap to make themselves look like the martyrs they imagine themselves to be. Oh geez, this Kimi Peck on "Dangerously Devoted" is scary. Just from the first clip of her I’ve seen dogs with both kinds of mange, plus corneal ulcers. Is there a separate thread for that show? I did a search and didn’t see one. Oh my, I absolutely agree about Kimi. This woman has two hundred dogs in a relatively small house, and she clearly has some very serious issues. At the end of the show she stuffed them all (200 dogs!) in a trailer and plans to take them to "meet Obama" and to Disneyworld.

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