Serial Animal Hoarder Kimi Peck’s Harassment of Many

Kimi Peck and a few of her misfit followers, will and have harassed every single person who has turned her into authorities for animal hoarding. Here is a statement from one of the many people who unfortunately, had Kimi Peck and her illegal kennel set up in their neighborhood.

CH-100, Item 6-DESCRIBE HARASSMENT Late in 2005, Ms. Peck moved to her present address and it soon became clear that her property was being used as an unlicensed kennel. I tried to work with Ms. Peck for about a year to resolve these issues, however, instead of things getting better, they got much worse. When I notified authorities about the noise, smell, and conditions caused by housing over 200 dogs in her residence, the harassment soon began. First Ms. Peck began calling me threatening she was going to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and have my restaurant business investigated for hiring illegal immigrants. I told Ms. Peck that I do not hire illegal immigrants and she said ‘we shall see about that’. I did not know what that meant until Ms. Peck created websites, see below. Following that there were threats of exposing personal information about me and my family in an attempt to discredit me, harass me and to hurt my restaurant business of 12 years. Starting in or around February of 2007 and continuing to this day, Ms. Peck created a SLANDEROUS internet website and The website is updated regularly with more untruths about me and my business. She includes on the website the name of my restaurants and their locations. She also put my picture on this website and underneath my picture she states the following malicious, false and defamatory comments about me that include: I shot at a neighbors dog I shot at Kimi’s dogs I hire illegal aliens at my restaurants, in Tehachapi and Mojave I house illegal aliens in an unpermitted guest house on my property I have a number of unlawful drug habits In addition to the above, Ms. Peck and her employees were found trespassing on my property, as recently as the end of February, according to one of her employees who stated in a Board of Supervisors hearing that she has been up to my property. As a single woman living alone, I was and AM very FEARFUL for my safety and asked a friend to move into my residence. In an attempt to intimidate my housemate, Ms. Peck confronted her demanding to know who she was and then followed her to the school bus stop. A police incident report was filed. I have also received calls from one of Ms. Peck’s employees who said his name was Sam Farr. Mr. Farr began to verbally attack me on the phone because I had been complaining about the noise coming from Ms. Peck property. I hung up on Mr. Farr. On March 12, 2009, I received a call at one of my restaurants from a man who identified himself as Kimi’s computer guy and said his name was John Longenecker. He began accusing me and other neighbors of being in a conspiracy to ‘harass Kimi and get her’. I hung up on him. I have also been threatened with lawsuits by Ms. Peck because she claims I am harassing her with my complaints to officials of the noise nuisance. Come to find out that Ms. Peck has a history of doing to others, what she has been doing to me. It appears Ms. Peck commonly files lawsuits against those who bring her activities to light. Her last lawsuit that she filed was in 2007 against 10 individuals (LASC #BC 365220). After these individuals hired an attorney to protect them against this SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) with an anti-SLAPP motion, this suit was dismissed. In addition, in 2005, Ms. Peck, including her Chihuahua Rescue, filed five (5) lawsuits against people, including harassment suits. All of these suits were dismissed. It also appears that Ms. Peck tried to sue another neighbor for harassment in 1999 and this suit, too, was dismissed. In addition, it appears that Ms. Peck has been a defendant in a number of lawsuits in both civil and criminal courts in Los Angeles. According to court records, Ms. Peck has lost many of these cases. Now after the recent action by the Kern County Board of Supervisors declaring Ms. Peck’s property a nuisance, I am even more fearful as she is blaming her neighbors for the County’s action and making malicious statements about conspiracies between people who don’t know one another and have no past or present relationship. In addition, she created a new website in or around February of 2009, this is IN ADDITION, to the and .com called, whereas she continues to harass and slander me. At this point, I realize that this is not going to end it’s just getting worse and Ms. Peck’s behavior is getting more unstable and frightening with her conspiracy theories

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