First we would like to state that we are posting this information because we feel as if the public has a right to know about Ms. Marlowe, too, especially because Ms. Marlowe is pulling dogs from animal shelters, etc., and presenting herself as a rescuer. We cannot say whether or not Ms. Marlowe is actually a hoarder; however, we can safely say, according to court records and Animal Control officers in Riverside, California, that Ms. Marlowe was very much LINKED to a recent case wherein a woman, Anita Gilbert aka Barbara Ryan, was charged with many counts of animal cruelty in both Riverside County and Kern County. After Ms. Gilbert aka Ryan had her animals taken away from her because of the alleged extremely cruel and inhumane conditions they were living in – in Riverside, California, in 2006, Ms. Marlowe actually showed up in front of a judge at the Riverside Courthouse in 2006, and petitioned the court (even threatened to sue them) to get Ms. Gilbert’s aka Ryan’s dogs and cats into her (Ms. Marlowe’s) own care. Remember, these dogs and cats had just been taken from a horrific situation. Ms. Marlowe told the court she was/is a rescuer and stated they would be well taken care of. In any event, Ms. Marlowe was able to convince the court to give her the abused/neglected animals. What does Ms. Marlowe do next? Well, we are not too sure but we question how these dogs and cats that Susan was able to get from the Riverside Courts ended up going back to the same woman who had been charged with abusing them (by the way, Ms. Gilbert aka Ryan had taken off before the authorities could arrest her). We also question how this woman ended up in Kern County living on property purchased by Ms. Susan Marlowe about the same time this whole ordeal took place. Not surpising, Ms. Gilbert aka Ryan was CHARGED AGAIN with animal cruelty while living on Ms. Marlowe’s property in Kern County TWO (2) YEARS LATER (with many of the same animals rescued from her in Riverside). Plot thickens because we have also learned that Ms. Marlowe went to the Riverside Courthouse back in 2006 with another accused animal abuser, CHARLOTTE SPADARO, former Mayor of Beverly Hills. That’s right, Ms. Spadaro, at that time, had a long list of animal cruelty charges, including dead animals found in her residence. Anyway, here is Ms. Spadaro’s profile, Ms. Gilbert’s aka Ryan profile and Ms. Kimi Peck’s profile. All three ‘rescuers’ who have links to Ms. Marlowe. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it must be a duck.