She uses many different names – she acquired her most recent name,ANITA GILBERT, from a woman who passed away from Cancer in the past year – a woman who was obviously successful in life…This animal abuser stole her identity (including her driver’s license info) and then dragged the name through mud by abusing/neglecting animals in Tehachapi. A few years prior while living in Riverside, California, this animal abuser (she used the name BARBARA RYAN) was charged with abusing animals-she ran from Riverside to Tehachapi – with the help of SUSAN MARLOWE, CPA. She did this before Riverside authorities were able to arrest her. Sadly, Susan Marlowe was able to petition the Riverside courts to get the animal abusers animals into her own ‘non-profit’ called DOG AT HOME, INC. telling Riverside courts that the dogs will be placed into loving homes. She did this with the help of Charlotte Spadaro, ESQ., former mayor of Beverly Hills, who also has been charged with animal cruelty in Riverside. When Spadaro and Marlowe convinced the courts to give them the animals, Marlowe then takes the animals and gives them back to the person who was charged with abusing them. In addition, Marlowe buys a property in another remote location far from Riverside and helps Animal Abuser assume another identity and enables Animal Abuser to continue to abuse animals. Again, the identity was a woman (late 50’s) who died from Cancer. In 1993, Animal Abuser used the name CYNTHIA GUDGER. She was charged with threatening a Judge in Los Angeles. Same story…she was being evicted from her apartment because she had too many cats AND was also accused of abusing these cats. We have much more information on Animal Abuser and will be posting soon INCLUDING the other names she has used.