Thanks to everybody who has sent e-mails to Hoardingchihuahuas alerting us that Kimi Peck is actively and desperately seeking donations and animals to keep up her animal hoarding lifestyle AND addiction! Please, do NOT give Kimi Peck or anybody associated with her money and/or especially animals. We must not forget about Peck’s history of hoarding and alleged abuse/neglect – Remember this: Nearly Blind Chihuahua and Almost 200 Other Animals Now Safe – At Chihuahua Rescue in Tehachapi, Calif., The Humane Society of the United States and Kern County Animal Control rescued approximately 150 dogs ranging from Chihuahuas to border collies, 18 cats, 10 chickens, and several rabbits. The dogs will be available for adoption at the Sacramento SPCA. One small long-haired Chihuahua named George especially tugged at the rescuers’ heartstrings. A veterinarian discovered that his eyes were so badly infected that he was nearly blind. In spite of what must have been confusing changes that he couldn’t see, George gave friendly kisses and trusting tail wags to everyone who handled him. This rescue was a success for George and the other animals, but we rescued more animals in distress this week in Montana, and there will be more after that.
Thanks to the wonderful Angels for Animals Network for alerting the world about animal hoarder, Kimi Peck! **SO CAL DNA/DNR ALERT** KIMI PECK, of disgusting chihuahua hoarding fame is back on the rescue scene with a new FB page called "Chihuahua Rescue Beverly Hills". PLEASE DO NOT give this woman dogs, pull for her, fake adopt for her, etc. …DO NOT help her obtain any more pups. Simple Google check turns up all you need to know about Ms Peck’s "rescue" standards and practices. Please ‘flag/report’ her FB page and PM Angels for Animals Network immediately if you see her on any of our threads so we can ban her. Thank you and please help keep animals out of dangerous irresponsible hands. xx