Is Charlotte Spadaro looking to Relocate to Kern County, CA, a Hoarder’s Haven?

Hoardingchihuahuas is hearing that self proclaimed animal ‘rescuer’, Charlotte Spadaro, is looking to relocate to Kern County, California, known to many as a HOARDER’S HAVEN, and open up an animal ‘sanctuary’. No word yet if former Animal Control head, Denise Haynes, will have a ‘welcome to Kern County’ lunch with Ms. Spadaro. As we mentioned, Denise Haynes had lunch with self-proclaimed animal ‘rescuer’, Kimi Peck, after Kimi Peck was legally forced out of Los Angeles due to many charges and convictions stemming from Peck’s ‘rescuing’ efforts. No word yet if Susan Marlowe, CPA, will finance Ms. Spadaro’s Kern County kennel or if Susan Marlowe will start up a non-profit rescue organization for Ms. Spadaro.

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